Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Perfect As Is.

A few months ago I found an antique whicker swing for our front porch for $25 at a yardsale. It has paint chipping in all of the right places. When I saw it on the ground that day, my heart started racing and my stomach did a flip flop. I literally fell inlove with that swing.

Much to my dismay, when I took it home, Brad was less than inlove with said swing. " It looks like it's been setting in the sun for 100 years!" he said. "Esactly!" I said.
I've never understood why, but I am just drawn to these vintage or antique pieces. When I visit an antique shop, and I see... and especially when I touch the lovely curiosities, I can't help but imagine it's life before the shop.

I will imagine a lovely lady in pearls and red lipstick wearing the beautiful gloves for sale. Or as I browse the dusty books I will imagine the grand library in which they must have once belonged... I love to see the antique dollies and the tarnished silver that at one time must have been so grand.

And when I do purchase something.. it feels like I am bringing it back to life.. and I so love that feeling...
One of my favorite pieces of antique furniture that I own is this chair I bought a few years ago for $3.
Here it is in out dining room- I have made changes since this post...
I love the paint chips on it.. to me, it is perfect.

My home isn't full of antiques or paint chipped pieces. But I do so love the one's I do have..

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